Investigating the Domestic Layers Adaptation During Pandemic

Main Article Content

Issue Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Published Jul 30, 2020
Section Articles
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Submitted : Jun 28, 2020 | Accepted : Jul 29, 2020

Afifah Karimah Kristanti Dewi Paramita


This paper expands the theoretical understanding of building layers proposed by Brand (1995) by investigating changes in the domestic environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brand’s layer framework breaks a built environment into “shearing layers” to examine its adaptation processes. This paper argues that ways of managing the risk of virus transmission in the built environment redefine the understanding of these layers. This paper takes the perspective of interiority to address these layers as instruments with the spatial qualities required of a resilient domestic environment. The study unpacks the theory of Brand’s layer framework, proposing the principles by which layers adapt to protect the domestic environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. It then offers readings on the occurrence of change in the domestic environment in which such adaptation principles are performed. Such occurrences consist of intensifying layer changes to assist intense uses, merge between layers to assist movements, the construction of new layer forms, and reconfiguration of multiple layers for a prolonged change. Apart from redefining the very understanding of layers, this paper addresses how spatial change is not driven only by physical deterioration, but also by the performative creation of scenarios to protect the domestic environment during the pandemic.

Keywords: layers framework, change, performance, domestic environment, COVID-19

Article Details

How to Cite
Karimah, A., & Paramita, K. D. (2020). Investigating the Domestic Layers Adaptation During Pandemic. Interiority, 3(2), 185–200.
Author Biographies

Afifah Karimah, Universitas Indonesia

Afifah Karimah is a part-time lecturer and researcher in Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia. After obtaining her Master’s degree in Architectural Design at the same department in 2018, she has been involved in several research projects in Architectural Design Research Cluster Universitas Indonesia. She is interested in the process of spatial design in architecture, especially on how the understanding of micro components could be integrated within the processes of architectural design and learning.

Kristanti Dewi Paramita, Universitas Indonesia

Kristanti teaches architecture in Universitas Indonesia since 2010 before appointed full-time lecturer in 2012. She completed her MA and PhD by Design in School of Architecture at University of Sheffield, UK. Her current research takes particular interest in situated knowledge produced by spatial and material practice, understanding how such knowledge shapes architectural design methods. She has worked extensively in action research projects and educational environment design, developing design models of both domestic and civic spaces and constructing them together with a variety of stakeholders, from disaster impacted community, autistic children, local kampung dwellers, to public school institutions.