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Interiority is not accepting submissions at this time. Please visit the website again in July 2024. 

Notes for Contributors
As part of the submission process, author(s) are required to check that their submissions comply with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to the author(s) that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it currently being considered for publication in another journal or any other forms of publication.
  • The manuscript is formatted and referenced in accordance with the manuscript guidelines (see following).
  • The manuscript does not contain any identification of author(s). The author(s) information should be provided in the Title Page submitted as a separate file. 
  • Author(s) are required to obtain necessary permission for reproduction of any figures, tables or extracts from other copyrighted sources.

Submitting Your Manuscript

Preparing Your Manuscript

  • Types of Manuscript: The journal accepts manuscripts in the forms of research papers, theoretical papers, design project reviews, exhibition reviews, and book reviews.
  • Length of Manuscript: Research papers and theoretical papers should be between 4000-6000 words. Project reviews, exhibition reviews and book reviews should be between 2000-3000 words.
  • Language of Manuscript: Manuscript should be written in English. The use of the terms in other languages should be explained clearly with appropriate English translation. 
  • Abstract and Keywords: Manuscript should include an abstract of 150-200 words and up to five keywords. 
  • Layout and Style: Manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word document file format (.docx). Manuscript should be typed double-spaced, on A4 portrait document settings, left justified, with no special formatting. 
  • Title Page: The Title Page should contain the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) of the author(s,)  address and email of the corresponding author, author(s) biography, and acknowledgement of funding body and other relevant parties (if any), and submitted as a separate file.
  • Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be included in the body text of the manuscript. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) are required to supply all figures as separate .jpg files at 300 dpi. Tables should be presented as editable texts rather than as images. 
  • Anonymity: Author(s) are responsible to ensure that the manuscript does not contain any identification of the author(s), except on the Title Page. The citation and references to the authors' own work within the manuscript should be anonymised, for example (Author, 2012). 
  • References: References should be listed at the end of the document rather than as footnotes. Authors are suggested to use bibliography management tool such as Zotero or Mendeley. The manuscript should adhere to the APA referencing system, referred in the following examples:

    Journal Article

    Hollis, E. (2018). Unreliable guides: Introducing, mapping, and performing interior. Interiority1(1), 21–35. https://doi.org/10.7454/in.v1i1.6


    Pallasmaa, J. (2012). The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

    Translated Book

    Alberti, L. B. (1988). On the art of building in ten books. (J. Rykwert, N. Leach, R. Tavernor, Trans.). Cambridge, MA, London: The MIT Press. (Original work published 1485)

    Book Chapter

    Meade, T. (2013). Interior design, a political discipline. In G. Brooker & S. Stone (Eds.), The handbook of interior architecture and design (pp. 394-403). London: Bloomsbury.


    Stafford, L. (2013). The journey of becoming involved: The experience of participation in urban spaces by children with diverse mobility. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.

    Web Page

    Griffiths, S. (2017, October 30). Now is not the time to be indulging in postmodern revivalism. Retrieved from https://www.dezeen.com/2017/10/30/sean-griffiths-fat-postmodern-revivalism-dangerous-times-opinion/


    Ghirlandaio, D. (1480). Saint Jerome in His Study [Painting]. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Domenico_ghirlandaio,_san_girolamo_01.jpg

    Exhibition Catalogue

    Carey, J. (2017). indeterminate duration [Exhibition catalogue]. Melbourne: Neon Parlour.

Peer Review Process

  • Initial Review: The editor evaluates the submitted manuscript to determine if the content is suitable for the journal. The manuscript is also subjected to a similarity check procedure to identify any indication of plagiarism. Manuscripts with contents that are not suitable for the journal or with a high percentage of similarity will be returned immediately to the author(s).
  • Peer Review: Submitted manuscripts that have passed the initial review are subjected to double-blind review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous during the review process. Minimum of two reviewers are assigned to evaluate and provide the recommendation for a manuscript. 
  • Decision: The editor makes the final decision on the acceptability of a manuscript based on the comments and recommendation of the reviewers.